
Introduction to Programming

Here we provide the students with some videos and practical examples of the impact of programming to the world and the Tech industry

Python Installation

We would have an installation session where all members of the club would install the required apps/packages for their tutorials.

My First Program

After successful installation of the programs/apps we would take the scholars through their very first program "Hello World" etc


We would introduce them to the different types of functions they would come by in their journey in programing (print, len etc)

Variables & Types

We would introduce the scholars to variables and their types, declaration, Re-declare etc

User Input

We would introduce them to different ways they can request for information from their shell and provide them


We would introduce the scholars to the importance of comments in codes and the basics of writing comments in Python.

Naming Guidelines

We would take the scholars through the basics on naming in Python, such as naming styles for variables, classes, functions etc and when to use them.

Conditional Statements

We would introduce the scholars to the different conditional statements such as if/else, while loop etc

Project on a Biography Bot

We would build a project with the club members where they would make use of all they've learnt to make a Biography bot that asks for users input and gives back a summarized story of the user.

Quiz Day

We would have a little quiz for the members where badges would be given depending on their performance

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